Our Mission:
We are a non-profit organization run by volunteers dedicated to building community by providing life-saving services, along with harm reduction resources to underserved and marginalized individuals.
We are a non-profit organization run by volunteers dedicated to building community by providing life-saving services, along with harm reduction resources to underserved and marginalized individuals.
Syringe Access Services to one fixed site and mobile outreach to multiple curbside communities in West Oakland.
Food & Basic Necessities are provided at each Needle Exchange and mobile outreach.
Narcan Trainings free or sliding scale based for businesses, nonprofits, and community members.
Tabling at shows and community events where we provide safer drug use supplies, fentanyl drug testing, safer sex supplies, and Narcan.
Community Cleanups around the neighborhoods we serve.
Outreach Counselors can help unhoused folks offer one-on-one support and direct linkages and referrals to resources in Oakland.
Advocacy and uplift voices of people who use drugs and people experiencing homelessness in Oakland.
Some of our past fundraisers:
All our sites offer operate rain or shine, smoke or no smoke. Consistency is a core value to us!
At each of our sites we have harm reduction supplies, safe needle disposal, safer sex supplies, fentanyl and xylazine test strips, naloxone and overdose prevention training, hygiene, socks, first aid, fire extinguishers, and food are available at this site.
You can also talk to one of our staff to help with service navigation and medication for opioid use disorder referrals and navigation
Fixed Site: 3:30-5:30pm at 35th and Peralta
Mobile Outreach: 3:30-5:30 — 45th and MLK (3:30-4), 35th and Telegraph (4:15-4:45), 35th and MLK (5-5:30)
We might be a little late or a little early, but generall we are out during these times.
Feel free to call our number to find us: 510-371-4465
MLK & West Grand, St. Vincent de Paul, MLK & 23rd st. — 10am-12pm
Find us on the corner of MLK and Grand in our white van.
Wood st Needle Exchange 1:30-3pm
Every 3rd Wednesday and occasionally the fourth Wednesday, PWL will be at 24th and Willow (1:15-2p), 20th and Campbell (2:15-3)
We are able to do this fixed site in collaboration with HEPPAC and Berkeley NEED.
Feel free to call our number to find us: 510-371-4465
Thursdays: 6th & Brush (6-7), 5th & Kirkham (7:15-8) — 6pm-8pm
It is difficult to say when we will be there, but expect us between those times.
Feel free to call our number to find us: 510-371-4465